Screwed Kenosha Style

Letter to State Officials

August 31,2007

Dear (Sent to each identity at bottom)

I am sending duplicate letters to all the identities at the bottom of this information. I have a lot of questions and want your answer in writing. I see and experience Communism in our Government and wish somebody could prove me wrong on that. Until that happens I continue to see a form of absolute dictatorship with no person or organization that will make the dictator accountable. I am talking about the Circuit Court Judges.

There is a set of rules called the Statutes which the dictators refuse to go by. The most offensive book in front of these oppressors are the Statutes. Now Communism is fulfilled when there is nobody that can or will do anything about the Judges. These dictators totally remove the established Law (Statutes), and place demands on people that are based on their own assumptions and opinions with no proof to back any of it up.

America was established that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Communism is the opposite where the victim is guilty until THEY can prove themselves innocent. I am tired of trying to defend the facts while the Judge continues to frame me with his opinions.

And why is there a double standard in our Justice system? Why can a Judge send someone to jail while she has a 2nd DUI, and side stepped the punishment and didn't serve jail time? Why is she immune to the Law and it's consequences? She can ridicule a victim, slander them, humiliate them into tears causing them to commit suicide, but nobody does anything about it. That is the Communistic clincher when there is no authority out there that will enforce the Judge to abide by the rules. Who is there to call a Judge "on the carpet" when they shun the Statutes and dictate with opinions?

The Judicial Commission will not investigate. They will dismiss the case simply because there is no misconduct according to them. Using their opinions instead of the Statutes is not misconduct. All other politicians and organizations either don't respond or say it is not in their jurisdiction. A few have said to go to the Judicial Commission. Dead End? Read my attempts and efforts I tried- .

Bernie holding signThere are three things I must do. The first is to redesign a more accurate flag. The second is to picket at the Madison Capitol and Judicial Commission, at the Kenosha Court House, and in Washington, D.C. What I want from you is a written notice if that would be legal or not. I think there might be a difference of what I can picket with as far as vocabulary. I have enclosed in this letter those details. Is that legal? Enclosed is also a card that I want to pass out as I picket. Is that legal? And the third thing 1 want to do is type up a postcard size petition requesting the authorities to investigate if the Judge has a 2nd DUI, and if yes, force her to serve her time the same as the common citizen. I have a lot of volunteers already and eager to distribute the forms. How many petitions are required to start the action? Where do I go with the petitions to get the action started? The voters and citizens of this Country do not need a double standard in the Justice system.

My next Court date is 9/13/07. Will I experience another dose of Communism on that day? What can you do about it? Will I go to jail again so I can spend time with the DUI people that got violated against because not everybody with the crime they did serves time?


I hope this is not the new; RED, WHITE
and BLUE.Could somebody please prove
this to be false by bringing the Judge to
accountability? Without your help this flag
might be accurate... unfortunately! The
American Circuit Court Flag?


Sincerely Yours,
Bernie's signature

Cc: Governor Jim Doyle
Cc: Supreme Court Justices
Cc; U.S. Senator Herbert H. Kohl
Cc: U.S. Senator Russell D. Feingold
Cc: U.S. Representative Paul Ryan
Cc: U.S. Representative David R. Obey
Cc: Senator Robert W. Wirch
Cc: Representative James E. Kreuser
Cc: Ethics Board, Executive Director R. Roth Judd
Cd: District 2 Circuit Court, Chief Judge Gerald P. Ptacek
Cc: Director of State Courts, A. John Voelker
Cc: Judicial Commission
Cc: Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee
Cc: possibly every Senator and Representative
Cc: my website for installation of this letter
Cc: Radio & TV stations
Cc: many others

Sincerely yours,
Bernie's signature


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The Cult that took my Family | My income | No Justice
Once upon a time there was a family

SKS-Story: Stump Grinding & Tree Cutting

Contact me at:

Bernie Tocholke
41391 Little Sand Rd.
Hinckley, MN 55037

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